How to Drive a Million Visitors to Your Blog?

Hardik Raval
The KickStarter
Published in
6 min readJun 30, 2020


A million-plus visitors a month sounds crazy, right? But yes it’s possible and many bloggers have achieved it.

Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

Let’s start with doing a little math.

If you are writing 3 posts a week, a total of 12 per month minimum, you can have 144 posts or more each year.

At just 50 visitors a month per post average you could see 86,400 visitors in a year from your efforts.

Want more traffic do more posts, some do 5 a week for example, and are making $10,000 a month or more off their own efforts but content takes time and imagination.

Eventually, you hit a point where you personally can’t do anymore and you have a choice to either add more years or scale-up.

Scaling up may seem like a daunting task or sound expensive but rest assured you will get to a point it is second nature and you will always pay for it out of profits if you follow my formula.

One of the first ways to leverage other people’s content is the most chosen form because it still brands your pen name or real name as an expert in your niche.

Here are the four essential elements for generating a million-plus visitors to a blog.

Hire a Ghostwriter

Once you have reached a certain point with your blog try outsourcing content creation or hiring a ghostwriter as we call it.

A ghostwriter will create posts in your name and good post by English first language authors can run between $20 and $50 each through sites like iWriter or Upwork.

There are many more such sites where you could find quality writers.

Hiring a ghostwriter is somewhat of a challenge as they need to write on your chosen keywords, have a basic knowledge of SEO or search engine optimization, and you will want to run a test campaign with a few of these authors before you choose one for a longer-term contract.

From there you choose the best articles and add them to your website as if they were your own content because basically they are.

You came up with the concept, the keyword, the outcome, and hired someone to basically fill in the blanks on your idea.

Content Leveraging

Content leveraging happens when you do one of a few things.

1. Sponsored posts

Take on paid content like sponsored posts.

Here’s what Wikipedia says about the sponsored posts.

Sponsored posts are promoted blog entries or posts that contain links that point to the home page or specific product pages of the website of the sponsor for which the blogger receives compensation in the form of money, products, services, or in other ways.

Many top bloggers around the world are generating massive traffic using sponsored posts alone.

2. Reader Submission

Take in reader submissions.

Pool your source of like-minded readers and challenge them to submit new original posts and you will also increase engagement meaning more repeat traffic, more leads, and more social shares.

3. Regular Contributors

These are people looking to brand themselves or looking to link back to their latest content by writing at least 1 post a week for your blog.

4. Content Coop

If you have a 5 writer tribe or hub you will each write one post per week for one of the other authors in the tribe on a rotation.

The person writing a post for you should get a related post written by you pointing to their site from your blog.

This builds all of your reputations and generates a Google Safe link wheel.

It’s called leveraging because you are getting free content in exchange for the content of your own and since half the post requirement is to write a post on your own blog it can fit in your own schedule.

Writing 4 posts a month will get a minimum of 4 other authors building post for you and 4 other authors building a post for you on their site.

All with inbound links being built every month.

Content Syndication

Though I’m not a big fan of content syndication at some point in time it becomes necessary to leverage its power.

There are only a few resources to ethically build links but they follow syndication rules not duplicate content rules.

Any SEO worth their salt will tell you that duplicate content rules pertain to the same post or a spun version meaning a post where it says the same thing using synonyms on your site.

It does not apply to content syndicated on say news sites which are used to share articles all the time which are the exact same post.

News sites and typically rank near the top of search results because of a high volume of content from press releases and independent submissions.

Here are ways to get syndicated and go viral.

1. Contribute to News Sites

Become a contributor to your favorite news sites.

Submit regular related niche content that meets their rules.

Reference your website in the author box and perhaps one related source on your site in the content when you post.

2. Submit via Press Releases

This affordable syndication guaranteed posts go out to hundreds or even thousands of blogs and news sites including Reuters and Associate Press.

Every article posted on these sites is an inbound link or two to your website from a major authority site and since you wrote the content it is highly related to your niche and it brands you as a published expert.

Paid Advertising

Advertising your content comes in more forms than just buying Google and Microsoft (formerly Bing) Ads.

There are several types of ads that help grow a blog following and they are listed below.

But first, let’s talk about Low Hanging Fruit keywords.

The same keywords you should target for your post, high traffic low competition is the ones in most cases to use in Pay Per Click advertising campaigns as they will be the cheapest to earn visitors from.

This doesn’t matter which search network or social site you advertise on.

Here a few places to advertise.

1. Search Engines

The best place to start the PPC campaign is Google Ads. But you can’t ignore other search engines like Yahoo, Bing, and Yandex.

2. Social Media Site Ads

Posts on your Facebook page can be used to promote with Facebook Ads giving you an extra place to capture leads and followers.

Promoted post on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and soon Webtalk will generate a swell in traffic and readership that is often far more targeted than Pay Per Click search ads.

3. Native Ads

By far the most effective now is Native Ads on systems like Outbrain and Taboola.

These ads are not advertisements but instead are shared reviews and content from blogs and websites around the world.

They appear below content and in sidebars as a related post or you may also like sections on such websites as Huffington Post and Fox News.

They are clicked on at a high rate but typically are under 25 cents a visitor.

Using these can be affordably explosive.

While it still takes time and some monetary investment you can grow a million-plus monthly visitors to your blog within the next 5 years time using this formula.

That kind of traffic is a sure-fire way to earn thousands of dollars a month and be a top recruiter in any program you aim the traffic at.

Final Word

You don’t have to be the best writer in the world.

You don’t have to be an expert before starting.

Start where you are now and build what you can.

Turn your revenue into more revenue by putting at least half of it back into leveraged content and content promotion.

Focus on sound SEO and Link Building practices and anyone can become a million visitor blogger.



Hardik Raval
The KickStarter

I share bite-sized gems of wisdom to help you navigate the path to personal and professional success. Subscribe free @